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As a geeky introvert who has made a grand effort to create a geeky safe space to call home, it’s hard to have people I don’t know over. It’s like allowing the unknown into my home. Who are you? What do you like? What if you hate everything I love? Now you’re in my space and we’re both uncomfortable.

I’ve spent so much of my life trying to fit in and not really being myself that I have completely lost interest in all pretense. So whenever someone wants to come over who doesn’t understand the way of the geek I get a bit of anxiety at having to entertain in my safe space while not completely being myself.

Does anyone feel the same way? How do you entertain when you don’t know someone in your party?

items for a geeky weekend morning routine: controller, plushie candle, journal, glasses

Nine Ways to Create a Geeky Weekend Morning Routine

Let's spread the geekiness!

I didn’t always have a geeky weekend morning routine. For me, weekends have gone one of two ways. I fling myself out of bed as early as possible and throw coffee down my throat in an effort to swallow as much borrowed energy as possible to meet some deadline I imposed on myself earlier that week. In this case, I work all day, my mood is not great, and by Sunday afternoon I’m super depressed because the weekend is almost over.

The other side of Two-Face’s coin is more like waking up and taking my coffee mug to the couch to play my favorite game of the week until hubs wakes up. I usually have every intention of getting some chores done around the house after we eat. However, the way this usually plays out is that I find myself still on the couch hours later playing my game while dust mites and the week’s laundry stare at me from various corners of my home like I missed a playdate. Guilt settles in and I end up feeling like a lazy loser by the end of the weekend.

I mean, damn, is there no middle ground?

Lately, however, I have made a much bigger effort to find balance in my weekend routines so that there’s a good mix of adulting, relaxing, and spending time with hubs. It took a minute to find my flow, and an amazing weekend for me begins with a geeky morning routine.

Why you need a geeky weekend morning routine.

Okay, but can a weekend routine really be classified as ‘geeky’? Well, it depends, and we will get to that. In my case, I am extremely task-driven with self-imposed deadlines that often stress me out until I find myself planted on the couch in front of my favorite planting and world-building game (#stressrelief). That level of self-inflicted ridiculousness is reserved for the week; so by the time the weekend comes, I need a morning routine that allows me to relax my mind and geek out a bit.

This is the day and age of the girl and guy boss, a work-from-home culture that allows the already thin work-life balance to blend into one long workweek. The fact that many of us run our own businesses also puts us in work mode 24/7. If we’re not constantly creating, producing, and posting then we feel like we’re not good enough, and then imposing imposter feelings set in, and then we spiral down into a cloud of poor self-esteem, self-pity, and self-sabotage.

Whew! That got dark real quick.

Being productive doesn’t mean always working.

I was raised to believe that you always had to be doing something productive or you were being lazy. Even on the weekends. I’m not even joking when I say that my parents woke us up bright and early on weekend mornings to pull weeds. You may be thinking we lived on a farm. Nope. We lived in a sub-division and those weeds weren’t going anywhere. But as I’ve gotten older (and more tired), I’ve learned that keeping my mental health stable and trying to do even small things that make me happy is much more important than waking up at the butt-crack of dawn to be as productive as possible.

I mean, unless you have to get up for work on the weekends, we should remember that productivity should sometimes take a backseat to rest and relaxation. The work will be there when we’re ready. The work is always there. Our health, however, may not be. 

Look, I’m just trying to help us all manifest mindfulness the best way I know how. After all, we are not machines. We’re not meant to run all the time,  and we’re especially not meant to run on empty. Trust me, It’s for our own good. 

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

What makes a weekend morning geeky

So that was all a very long preface to why I believe a geeky weekend morning routine is the best morning routine. But what makes a morning routine “geeky”? I think that all depends on what you do with it. Of course, you may be asking, ‘Are we just going to label everything on this blog geeky because it’s a blog for geeks?’

Yes! That’s the whole point of a geeky lifestyle blog.

But let’s be clear – if you’re reading this blog, you already think of yourself as a geek, or you want to. So why not lean into this a bit? 

And speaking of words (we weren’t), let’s begin by putting some definitions to some terms:

What is a routine?

A routine is a sequence of actions generally followed in the same manner, like a pattern, for no special purpose except that it becomes part of your day. Brushing your teeth, for example, is a routine. First thing after you get up (I hope!), and that thing you do right before bed.

What is morning?

Ah, well, it’s that gods-awful time when you open your eyes from a long sleep and realize life just continues on from the day before. Everything is too loud, too bright, and excessively annoying. Until coffee, of course. Or tea if you prefer.

What is the weekend?

It’s like a sliver of hope – a very slight, very brief breath of fresh air that passes between the weekdays so quickly that you could miss it if you blink. Mornings during the weekends for most of us aren’t actually as bad as described above. In fact, most of you are probably more sane and less ridiculous about your weekends than I am. 

What defines geeky?

Geeky is how you describe a geek, or a person who expresses energetic enthusiasm for a particular hobby or passion. The most common passions involve fandoms of tv and movies, comic books and manga, books and collectibles, and other similar subjects of fascination. Identifying as a geeky person is not about any specific interest, topic, or activity; and it is not a title earned based on how much you know about a particular topic. Being a geek is unique to each individual and is all about embracing the part of yourself that loves what you love.

Oh, this is quite a topic for a longer post. But let’s just say that being geeky is a bit less mainstream than what is generally considered ‘normal’ (if anything can be considered normal anymore). We the geeky are enthusiastic about our hobbies, fandoms and franchises, and tech. Because tech is so damn cool and fandoms are everything.

Okay, now that we’re on the same page, let’s get into the meat of this thing. And if you’re curious, I’ll share my personal geeky morning routine at the end. But right now, here are nine ways that you can create your own geeky weekend morning routine.

A short disclaimer:

I am not a morning or mindfulness expert – I’m just a fellow geek here to help add some geekiness to your weekend mornings. This is YOUR routine, your way to relax and geek out. I am in no way here to tell you what’s best for you. But I hope to give you some ideas and inspire you to think about how to have your perfect weekend morning with a touch of geek and, as a result, a mindful pause to stop and enjoy the time before the week starts again. Your morning routine may not work for me, and mine may not work for you. There is no one-size-fits-all, so you can always try different things until you discover what makes you feel the best about your weekend.

Here we go:

Nine ways to create a geeky weekend morning routine

  1. Create a geeky weekend alarm
  2. Wash away the man-eating titan
  3. Try a Jedi meditation technique
  4. Level up your geeky mug game
  5. Pair that hot beverage with a cozy game or a good book
  6. Journal
  7. Try the Conqueror’s Challenge
  8. Choose your own geeky Spotify playlist adventure
  9. Clean

Don’t make waking up so… alarming

Yep, I went with the cheesy headline for this one. Too late to take it back, now.

I know you’re probably asking, ‘wait, are you talking about setting an alarm on the weekend?’ Yes I am… but hear me out:

You’re not even working on the weekends and you do not want to think about an alarm. I get that. I mean, we do have to hear the alarm all week long, and I can understand how that can get really annoying really quickly. My eyes usually pull themselves apart when too much light invades the room; and by too much light, I mean anything that isn’t darkness. So technically I don’t need an alarm to wake up.

But I do set one. This is because of my husband’s morning-person sickness (more on that below); I absolutely need to be awake an hour or two before him so we can maintain this healthy relationship we’ve had for the last seven years with no accidental deaths caused by too much perkiness in the mornings. I need my space and I need time to fully wake up before talking to actual humans, and this includes my very human husband. So I set an alarm to get up so I have that precious time to myself, and so that by the time he wakes up I’m not all Attack on Titan in here.

Geekify your alarm.

If you’re like me, then geekify your alarm so it’s not so annoying to wake up to. I have an Android so I use the app Zedge to personalize my notifications, ringtones, and, yes, my alarms. (I am not an affiliate of or sponsored by Zedge – just a fan.) You can also set Spotify to play a song for your alarm through your clock’s alarm settings. If I want to wake up in a nice calm manner, I set my ringtone to Horizon Zero Dawn. If I have some things to do and I need a hype song to get me going, I set Imagine Dragons Enemy from Arcane as my ringtone. Having a ringtone to fit my geeky mood or tasks for the day sets me up for a cool geeky morning right away.

In your case, you may not need to wake up earlier than anyone, or you may live alone. You may have things to check off your to-do list, in which case you may not want to sleep until noon. Or you may have a relaxing day of Crunchyroll indulgence planned. That’s okay – wake up naturally and get the rest you don’t get during the week. Don’t be like me. #exhausted

Brush off the morning breath and wash away the man-eating titan.

(You would think I actually enjoyed the Attack on Titan anime with the number of references I’ve made. I want to be clear – I did not enjoy it.)

I have never understood people who wake up and don’t take care of their breath first thing. All the bacteria that your mouth collected overnight should be brushed away and rinsed out before swallowing it with coffee or breakfast. Because eeeew! 

Also, skincare is not really ‘geeky’ per se, but clear anime-character-like skin is. Skincare should also be an important part of your daily routine so don’t skip it. Cleanse, tone, moisturize – that’s the very basic skincare that you should consider both morning and evening. Believe me, your skin (and teeth) will thank you.

If you want to really geekify your wash time, grab a face mask. I recommend something green like Grogu (Baby Yoda), or something black like Vader’s soul. Find your inner Depp with a pirate-inspired eye patch while laying back and meditating to a soundtrack. I have found some really cool face mask packets in Target, and some Asian paper masks at my local H-Mart.

Try the Jedi meditation technique.

I love meditation, but I will admit that I don’t take the time to meditate as often as I should. Meditation has many benefits and can be practiced by anyone. One of my favorite characters, Raven of the Teen Titans, meditates often in the original cartoon. Meditating in the morning can help to improve your focus on what you want to accomplish that day, and when done anytime can lower your stress levels. There are many other benefits to meditating that you can find using a Google search.

“Meditation is about more than just forging a deeper connection to the Force… It is about gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves. It is a means of obtaining greater control over our thoughts and emotions. Peace. Serenity. Harmony. We must master ourselves before we can hope to master the Force.” (A Jedi)

Of course, if you’re going through your Villain Era, you may meditate more like a Sith – concentrate your villainous intent, your rage, your fear, and your vengeance into a pure point of ruthless power within yourself.

Or don’t. :: shrugs ::

Level up your geeky mug game.

Grab your favorite geeky mug for your morning coffee. Honestly, if you’re sipping your warm beverage from a regular old coffee mug on any day, what are you even doing? Take my word for it – you will be in a much better mood waking up to a mug with your favorite character or quote. 

If you need some ideas, I have an Amazon list full of cool geeky mugs. Personally, I love a weird and cheesy mug, but I also love matching “grown & geeky” sets, so I’ve included a bit of both for all my geek peeps! Click here to find your own. Yes, this is an affiliate link – you don’t have to purchase through this link, but it won’t cost you any more if you do and I’ll get a small stipend for helping you discover your new morning addiction. 😉 See my full affiliate disclosure for more information.

Pair that hot beverage with a cozy game or a good book.

The cozy game phenomenon has taken social media by storm.  …Is what I would say if I knew that, for sure. But from what I’m seeing, cozy games and the cozy gamers behind the hashtag have really brought gaming for the feels as a way to destress and stabilize that mental tension to the forefront of what gaming used to mean. 

For me, gaming while I drink my coffee is the perfect way to geek out a weekend morning. Sometimes I feel like running around, building towns, and growing things while I sip. In real life I actually love gardening, so Grow: Song of the Evertree was an amazing find that I can’t stop playing. Until recently. Now I’m running around Dreamlight Valley making it my own personal Disney haven.

For those mornings when I just want to build without the character and dialog, SIMS is my go-to. Build Mode is my only mode, and I love the creativity it allows while I think of all kinds of rooms and houses to build. I also use it as a place for my geeky decor ideas. You can find some of my creations in the SIMS gallery under ‘geekSIMgirl’.

I think these can be classified as cozy games, especially when I’m building cozy Sims homes. I can’t play anything hack and slash in the morning because it doesn’t help to relax me. Do you like gaming in the morning? What’s your favorite cozy game? Or do you prefer a good round of fighting first thing?

If gaming has not yet caught your fancy, why not take this time to catch up on that manga, comic, or fantasy novel you’ve been trying to finish?


If you have trouble relaxing your busy mind, try waking up and journaling in the quiet space of the morning. I will say that journaling my thoughts and feelings has been an excellent way for me to release some of the voices in my head feeding me lies about myself and my life. Take what’s in your head and put it on paper, and I believe you’ll find that this helps to clear your headspace and think more positively. It doesn’t have to be artsy or creative – it can be pen to paper or keyboard to Google Docs. If you want something personal, look for your favorite characters on stickers or stamps – there are some cool Etsy sticker shops that you can look through. But trust me, journaling works.

Try the Conqueror’s Challenge

The Conqueror’s Challenge is a virtual fitness challenge that you can complete by walking, running, or cycling at your own pace and time. I signed up for the Lord of the Rings Challenge with every intention of walking every day to reach Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring and receive cool medals along the way. I still have to work on the getting up to walk part, but I will get to Mordor.

You don’t have to sign up for any program to get out there and move in the morning. But why not make exercise geeky, too? How else will you get some of us from in front of our favorite game to a virtual walking game?

Choose your own geeky Spotify playlist adventure.

Maybe you want to listen to something while you meditate or take your morning walking challenge. You may even have a geek-inspired playlist just for journaling or drawing. Or you could just want to get lost in your favorite video game soundtrack while you finish your tea. I have found that there is a song for everything, and you can create your own playlists on Spotify to play for whatever mood inspires you at the moment.

If you don’t have a playlist, yet, check out some of the playlists I’ve created for you all on my Spotify account. I am neither sponsored nor am I an affiliate – but I am a huge fan of Spotify and it’s what I use to keep my huge music collection organized.

Channel your inner black butler.

I mean, you could clean.

Look, I’m not here to judge – maybe cleaning or cooking relaxes you? If that’s the case, you can prepare a nice slow breakfast, or get your meal prep for the week started. You could also embrace your inner Sebastian and, if cleaning is the thing that gets you going, start a load of laundry or fold clothes, or polish that silverware to prepare for potential home invasions. 

How to make cleaning more geeky? I suggest listening to one of those geeky playlists while you work, or watching an anime while you fold clothes. Subbed, of course, so you don’t miss anything.

Find your own geeky weekend morning routine

There are so many people telling us what we should do in the morning, but it really is all about personal preference, isn’t it? You don’t have to work out to have a productive day. Or journal. You may not be hungry when you first wake up, so you don’t have to eat. Or even wash dishes. Maybe you prefer a smoothie and a comic book to coffee and a game. Or maybe you prefer to sit by the window and get lost in your inner geek.

Whatever you like to do, and however you choose to start your geeky weekend morning, find something that will ensure you begin with a positive outlook. After all, it really is just about being in the right mindset for a great!

My geeky weekend morning routine.

Some well-meaning but clueless people have described me as a ‘morning person’ and I have quickly corrected them. I would not consider myself a typical morning person. I’ve never been a fan of mornings – mostly because of morning people. You know the type. You may even be the type — the ones who can spring out of their beds like Sonic the Hedgehog and immediately dive into work or conversation.

In the words of Elias Ainsworth (The Ancient Magus’ Bride): “Die.”

See, it’s you lot who make mornings so exhausting. There was never a time when I could jump out of bed just ready. I’m not a wind-up toy. Not even this morning as I’m typing this post with one hand, Evil Queen coffee mug in the other hand while yawning profusely and deleting incorrect spellings and word placements because the fog in my morning brain is still thick. But I do have a healthy respect for mornings and the things I can accomplish in the hour or two of glorious peace before hubs wakes up. So I could be considered a morning person in the sense of waking up earlier than most – except I am just not a morning-people person and I wake up early to avoid interactions at all costs. 

That hubs of mine? HE’S Sonic. He doesn’t even require a warm beverage of any kind before he’s rip-roaring and ready to go when he wakes up.

Freak of nature that one is.


I did ask hubs what his geeky weekend morning routine consisted of, and he said “Wake up, go back to bed, the end.” There you have it, folks. The kind of blog post you were really hoping for. Short, sweet, and informative.

:: rolls eyes profusely ::

Either way here is my geeky weekend morning routine:

Wake up.

Most weekends I don’t need an alarm to wake up. But when I do, I wake up to Aloy’s Theme.

Brush my teeth and wash my face.

There is nothing particularly ‘geeky’ about tooth or skincare except that I take time in the morning to brush my teeth and slather on my favorite skincare products so I don’t walk around all day looking like a titan (reference #2). No need to scare the humans. There’s just something about hot water, a rag, and some moisturizer that helps me wake up. In all honesty, I do geek out about my favorite skin care products. I’ll share my favorites with you in another post soon to come.

Coffee, please

Or tea, if you prefer. But there’s just something about a hot mug of coffee with my favorite flavored creamer. Whatever the beverage choice, I need that warm liquid in the morning to help me wake up. There really is nothing geeky about this. Millions of people all over the world require coffee or tea to start their day. And I do love my collection of geeky mugs.

I’ll take a game with my coffee.

This is one of my absolute favorite things to do while waking up on a weekend morning!

Or I’ll write and draw.

Planning relaxes me. I know, weird, right? But sometimes I forgo the games for some bullet journaling. Most times I pull out my sketchbook and doodle ideas for my next geeky art piece. Whether I’m planning the upcoming week or getting in some art, I get lost in the moment and put on my headphones to listen to one of my favorite Spotify playlists.

My morning routine differs from week to week depending on what I planned for the weekend. Let me know, below, if you like me to share more about routines for the week or evening. In the meantime, share with us below what kinds of geeky things you do to make your weekend mornings more relaxing.

Enjoy your weekend, you geeks!

So what’s your geeky weekend morning routine?

Let's spread the geekiness!
geek girl blogger
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