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As a geeky introvert who has made a grand effort to create a geeky safe space to call home, it’s hard to have people I don’t know over. It’s like allowing the unknown into my home. Who are you? What do you like? What if you hate everything I love? Now you’re in my space and we’re both uncomfortable.

I’ve spent so much of my life trying to fit in and not really being myself that I have completely lost interest in all pretense. So whenever someone wants to come over who doesn’t understand the way of the geek I get a bit of anxiety at having to entertain in my safe space while not completely being myself.

Does anyone feel the same way? How do you entertain when you don’t know someone in your party?

Video game controller, video games for introverts

Three Video Games for Introverts

Let's spread the geekiness!

While I am every bit the introverted gamer, I am in no way an expert gamer. But I have come quite a long way since hubs and I were married. I don’t know why, but video games have always intimidated me. While I love games, and I especially enjoy watching hubs play his games, it took him a while to convince me I was worthy of holding a controller on my own. And even more time for me to understand that there were video games out there for introverts.

And once I got the hang of it, well, that was all she wrote, wasn’t it?

Hubs also happens to love logging in and playing games alongside his friends. I played with our favorite couple-besties and it wasn’t too bad. In fact, I enjoyed the time we spent playing together, especially because we couldn’t see them during the pandemic. 

Even still, there’s nothing like exploring a game’s world all by myself. I can come and go as I please, play as long or as little as I want, and I don’t have to worry about messing up in front of friends potentially sending all of us to our deaths. Plus, I love playing while in my own head. I mean, I am still an introvert after all.

What Kinds of Video Games Do Introverts Like?

The video game genres that more than likely appeal to introverts are

  1. Action-Adventure Games
  2. Sandbox and  Simulator Games
  3. Survival

Playing video games is already a pretty introspective activity, to begin with, and a perfect way to recharge, in my opinion. Of course, there are tons of games that were developed to play with friends or strangers, and I’m sure online games are even more popular than many single-player games. But there are certain genres that appeal to introverted gamers who just want to be left alone to get lost in a game.

Introverts are not shy. This is a common misconception; just like the belief that most introverts are stuck-up. Not at all. We just need our alone time to recharge just as extroverts recharge by sucking the life out of people. Like social vampires.

Okay, that wasn’t very nice. They aren’t vampires – more like soul-sucking zombies all extroverting together in hordes. There, that’s a bit nicer, right?


Action-Adventure Games

The first and best genre being Action-Adventure games. I like to call them Explore-the-Entire-World games. Give me an amazing character with a binge-worthy background or story (ie: Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn), and then give me an entire world to explore on my own. These games are often gorgeous to play with huge maps that take time to explore. Although I didn’t really care for Assassin’s Creed: Origins, I really loved the Assassin’s Creed: Origins DLC Discovery Tour: Ancient Egypt. This was an educational mode made available for the original game as downloadable content (DLC) where I could just wander the wilderness and learn all about ancient Egypt. Hubs purchased it for me as a gift to get better acquainted with the game controller and movement.

Sandbox and Simulator

Sandbox and Simulator Games like the Sims allow you to create a character and roam the town looking for all kinds of whatever. You’re simulating your life or just a life you want. Although like in Horizon Zero Dawn, you will meet other characters (usually NPC’s, non-playable-characters) and often end up participating in activities with these characters, you don’t have to. This is the appeal. I am completely content with logging in to SIMS build mode to create my dream homes and then leaving with no in-game interaction of any kind. Whatsoever.


I also think Survival Games are great for introverts, although in real life would you want to try to survive a horde of zombies by yourself? Maybe. People will get you killed.

Man, do I hate zombies…

With those games in mind, let’s jump into my favorites. And I definitely think you should try any or all of the games mentioned below!

Three Video Games for Introverts

I got hubs a new PlayStation 5 (PS5) for Christmas so most of my games are on that and the PS4, now currently in our bedroom. I have been thinking about getting an Xbox for my gaming room, slash, sewing room, slash, office. Or maybe a Steam deck. For no reason, whatsoever, but for now I play other games on my desktop through Steam. By myself. Because the whole introverted gamer thing. I’m talking like I have console money to burn, but a girl can dream, can’t she? Either way let’s get to three of my favorite video games for the introverted gamers out there.

Horizon Zero Dawn | Horizon Forbidden West

Okay, hear me out. Yes, this game does involve a lot of dialogue, but at its core, Horizon Zero Dawn is an adventure game with lots of exploration and solo fighting. I mean, even Aloy prefers being alone. This is everything I love in a game and it’s hands-down my favorite of all time. Period.

However, for those who still want a small amount of contact with the outside world, you meet people in the game and get to make friends, allies, frenemies, and just plain villains. It’s a game where you are on a lone mission to discover yourself and save the world as you know it, but with a little help along the way. Perfect for the introverted gamer who loves adventure and exploration.

And non-playable characters (NPC’s) who won’t bother you while you play.

I’m just about done with the second game and I’m so sad just thinking about leaving Aloy and the crew; so it’s looking like game plus is in my future.* You can purchase both Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West at the PlayStation Store, as well as on Steam. I am affiliated with neither.

*Game plus becomes available when you complete the core story of a game and are allowed to restart the game over with all of your earned skills and abilities. It’s like overpowered mode where you already know how the story ends. This comes with some games, but not all.

Grow: Song of the Evertree

(Update: when I wrote this text earlier this year, I did not think I would ever find a game to replace the things I love about this game. Despite it’s many bugs. And the fact that there will never be any future updates or development on the current game. It met a need at the time that I’ve now replaced with Disney’s Dreamvalley. I am just loving Dreamvalley and did a review of the game that you can find here.)

I really wanted to find a gardening game that didn’t make me solve a bunch of silly puzzles just to plant a tomato plant. I’m glaring at you, mobile gardening games. So when I stumbled into Grow: Song of the Evertree, I discovered a whole new world that I haven’t been able to walk away from.

In Grow, you are an alchemist who stayed when the world left you behind. With two unlikely companions, you studied and slowly started to bring the world as you know it back to life. But to discover new lands and develop towns, you have to go out on your own to explore, plant, and build.

While this game certainly has its glitches, and some of the gameplay will leave you wondering ‘but why?’, it is still every bit of perfection. It scratches all the itches for me – planting, world building and management, and playing all by my lonesome. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come home from work and immediately sat down in front of Grow to clear my mind and get some mental clarity. It’s part of my weekend morning routine and my self-care routine.

Don’t Starve Together | Don’t Starve

This one may be as debatable as Horizon Zero Dawn, but even more so. I mean, ‘together’ is in the actual title! Don’t Starve Together is literally an online game where you can play ‘together’ or open up your world so that strangers can join you on your quest for survival. 

Uh-uh. That’s a no for me.

However, you can shut off the online play and explore solo. This is why I love this game. Together you will gather the resources you need faster, and it certainly helps when the different characters can contribute their own ‘special set of skills’ to the growing camp. Buuut, with a few tweaks in the original settings, you can make Don’t Starve Together your world and play all by yourself… and still survive, introverted gamer status intact.

Will I ever admit to sometimes wishing I could get lost in a vast wilderness with only a torch and my wits IRL (in real life)? Never. But some days, this scenario sounds so much better than real life, you know?

Introvert-friendly video games I’m currently playing

Since first writing this post back in January 2023, I’ve started other games that I either did not like, am still not sure about, or absolutely loved.

Mass Effect, Legendary Version

This is a no for me – but it may be an unfair one. I started with the first game and it has not been the best experience. Hubs advised me to start with the most current version of the game, but me being a completionist insisted that I should start with the first game to better understand the series and the story. I may decide to just listen to him and pick up the newest game. Maybe.

Star Wars Jedi : Fallen Order

I wanted to play this to prepare for the new Jedi Survivor but got distracted by other shiny games and here we are. Still at the beginning. I’m the only one to blame.

Assassins Creed: Origins

Yeah, not sure I’m going to finish this one! Hubs bought this for me because I am a huge fan of Egyptian mythology and all things ancient Egypt. There is a DLC Discovery Tour plus version of the game that includes a guided Egypt tour, and it is the best thing I’ve ever done! Once the tour was over and it was time to start the game, however, it lost all of its charm. All I did was run around and look for people and things. And I couldn’t figure out how they fit into the plot of the story because I, myself, didn’t understand the plot. I’d like to remember this game for the awesome experience I had on the tour. Hours of gameplay meant that without any pressure I could learn the controller better and get acquainted with movements and techniques.

Cozy Grove (Nintendo Switch)

Nope. Uh-uh. I can’t get into this. Too grindy and too slow for me. I mean, what am I even doing and why?

Dreamlight Valley

Meet the distraction mentioned above! OMG, this game has kept me enthralled in hours of gameplay. Seriously. Dreamlight Valley is currently responsible for the dirty dishes in the sink. Ask me if my DragonCon costumes are done.

No. No they’re not. I blame Dreamlight Valley.

Am I playing all of these at the same time, you may be wondering? Yes and no, each one is a mood, and my moods change. As far as games I want to play this year – well, let’s save that for another post, shall we?

So what are some video games you enjoy playing as an introvert? I certainly haven’t tried them all, so please share your favorites below so I can try them out.

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